Executive Board
“The executive board is a functioning administrative group elected to take the necessary action to achieve the purposes of the council. It establishes the council program and carries out the resolutions, policies, and activities voted on by the council. It determines policy for the council in accordance with its delegated authority, and within the context of the Charter and Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America.
The board protects the long-range future of Scouting in the community. Council board members play two complimentary but very different roles. First, like the familiar corporate board member, they govern the organization. Unlike the corporate board member, they also sign on as volunteers agreeing to undertake any assignment reasonably asked of them.”
Executive Board Duties
Set the mission of the council and review it from time to time.
Be committed to the mission, values, and goals of the Boy Scouts of America.
Hire or fire the Scout executive.
Fiduciary responsibilities.
Quality of the Scouting program.
Strategic planning.
Board development (nominating committee).
Observe conflict-of-interest policies.
Attend, participate, and vote at council executive board meetings.
Manage council issues from a policy perspective.
Work as a team.
Board Resources
2022 Palmetto Council Executive Board Members
Mr. Dan Atkinson
Mr. Neal Barber
Mr. Bobby Bass
Mr. Bill Binkley
Mr. John Blomberg
Mr. Wayne Bouldin
Mr. J. Derham Cole Jr.
Mr. Tim Combs
Mr. Chris M. Connelly
Mr. Geoff Dunn
Mr. Doug Finley
Mr. Robert Flowers
Ms. Tashma Glymph
Mr. William Gray
Mr. Britt Helms
Mr. Chris Herring
Dr. Keith A. Keller
Mr. Jason Land
Dr. Doug Marion
Mr. Mark Mezger
Mrs. Helena Miller
Ms. Kim Moultrie
Mr. Allan Pangburgn
Mr. Ken Reiter
Mr. Andy Shene
Mr. David Simmons
Mr. Keith Smith
Mr. Glenn C. Stoner
Mr. Louis Streater
Mrs. Erin Strickland
Mr. Jimmy Summers
Dr. Paul Switzer
Mr. Creighton Taylor
Mrs. Cara Thompson
Mr. Josh Vann
Mr. Robert White
Mr. Bill Beers
Mr. Bruce Collins
Mr. Freddie Gault
Mr. Wes Hayes, Esquire
Dr. Boyce Lawton
Mr. Dwight Neese
Mr. Ronald Russell
2022 Palmetto Council Life Board Members
Mr. Arthur L. Gaston, Esquire
Mr. Bob Holmes
Mr. Robert Justice, Life Board Chair
Mr. Robert Stoner
Mr. Gary Williams