Piedmont Appalachian College of Commissioner Science
May 31- june 2 / western carolina university
“Commissioner service will continue to provide the quality assurance necessary for our growing programs. Trained commissioners are the key to the quality program that will instill core values in millions more youth in the future.
What is PACCS?
PACCS is a group of 8 Councils offering degrees in Commissioner Science including the Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Commissioner Science. Also offered are Post Graduate Courses and Roundtable specific training. The college is generally conducted during the first weekend of June each year.
To provide a source for Councils to continue to improve Commissioner teams and programs to help Units properly deliver the Scouting program to the youth. One resource to facilitate this is a good solid training program. The PACCS provides that training and attendance by all Commissioners, as well as other interested registered Scouters is encouraged.
Participating Councils
Blue Ridge Council
Coastal Carolina Council
Daniel Boone Council
Georgia Carolina Council
Palmetto Council
Piedmont Council
Sequoyah Council
To register for the 2022 PACCS college you can either mail your registration form to the Palmetto Council Service Center (420 S. Church St., Spartanburg, SC 29306) or register online using the below links.
Western Carolina University, 1 University Way, Cullowhee, NC 28723
Contact Us
For more information, please click HERE or contact Sue Persons.
doctoral papers
A bibliography was created by Hulic Ratterree as his doctoral paper, and he continues to updated it each year (CLICK HERE for the bibliography). You can use this document to search for a particular topic that interests you among the papers that we have stored on the site. If a paper interests you, just make a note of the author’s name and find it in the list below to access their paper.