York District
The York District serves Scouting programs in Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties.
York District Eagle Board of Review
For York County & Indian Land
For Chester & Lancaster Counties
Potential Eagle Scout Projects
District Personnel
District Meeting Information:
District Roundtable
The District Roundtable is held at 7:00 pm on the second Thursday of every month at Woodland UMC (801 Cherry Road, Rock Hill). Please check email to confirm location each month. Both the Council and the York District Executive sends communication with details prior to each Roundtable.
Commissioner Staff Meeting
The Commissioner Staff Meeting is held at 7:00 pm on the first Thursday of every month at Grace Lutheran Church (426 Oakland Ave., Rock Hill, SC 29730)
District Committee Meeting
The District Committee Meeting is held at 6:00 pm on the second Thursday of most months. Regular meetings are held at Woodland UMC (801 Cherry Road, Rock Hill). Location may change if Roundtable locations changes.
York District Units
Find a local unit by viewing the below map or by clicking HERE to view a list.