The Adventure Continues, A Message to LDS Scouts and Scouters from Matthew Cline


When I think of Scouting, I think of my trip to the Northern Tier Canoe Base when I was a Varsity Scout. We canoed and backpacked through the wilderness of Canada with no sign of civilization except for an occasional plane flying overhead. We were truly on our own. We prepared for this trip over many months. It was difficult. It pushed me to my limits, physically and mentally. We even had the weather working against us. But it was one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences I have had. Bald eagles flying overhead, swimming in a waterfall, sacrament meeting at our campsite, the building of teamwork needed to get through this challenging trip, and the sense of accomplishment when we returned home. We saw and experienced things we never would have if we had stayed in the comfort of our homes. It was an adventure; one of many I have had in Scouting.

As scouting in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints comes to a close at the end of this year, what will your next adventure be? Some will choose to continue their adventure, some will not. For Scouts that continue, new friends and familiar faces await you. Pinewood derbies, summer camp, backpacking, scuba diving, campfires, welding, building robots, competitions, patches, leadership positions, the Order of the Arrow, and many other opportunities await those that choose to seek the adventure of scouting. Looking for a greater challenge? Venturing crews seek the ultimate outdoor adventure. Love to sail? We have a Sea Scout ship for you.

My experiences in Scouting have strengthened my testimony of how much we have in common with other faiths in our desire to do our duty to God. I find that I grow spiritually from the examples and spiritual messages from people of other faiths at scouting activities. To me, the principles found in the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan reinforce the gospel principles I learn at church and at home, and vice versa. The last and most important point of the Scout Law is that a Scout is reverent. A scout’s most important duty is to God.

If you choose Scouting, new friends will be waiting for you to help you on your new journey. You will have guides along the trail to help you choose your adventure. We look forward to seeing you on the trail.

The Palmetto Council is ready to help you continue your journey. Please contact us our membership coordinator, Mr. Taylor Thomas, at to learn more about continuing your adventure! To also assist in the transition, we have created a Facebook page to relay information (Palmetto Council Latter-day Saint Scouting). Please like our page.

With Warm Regard,

Matthew Cline
LDS Transition Chair

“…Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.” (Robert Frost)