COVID-19 Update

In compliance with the governor’s order for the closure of all non-essential businesses, the Palmetto Council office will be closed effective today, April 1 through at least April 30. Most of our staff will continue to work remotely and can be reached by email or cell phone. We will also be periodically checking the mail in order to receive and process any essential advancement or membership documents and vendor payments.

Additionally, in light of the most recent guidance from national, state, and local health officials it is necessary to extend the postponement/cancellation of all Council, District, and Unit in-person activities and events through at least April 30.

As stated previously, units are encouraged to continue holding meetings virtually. There have been a number of great examples of this happening throughout Palmetto Council over the last two weeks.

Finally, due to multiple requests we will begin offering online merit badge classes starting next week. Our goal is to offer a minimum of 2-3 merit badges each week through the end of April. The anticipated cost for all classes is $5. Look for an initial list of classes and how to sign up by the end of this week.

Thank you for all that you do for Scouting and Palmetto Council. Our staff’s goal over the next few weeks is to help all of our Scouting family to keep connecting even if it is remotely. We are also still diligently working to develop and prepare our summer programs, which I believe all of us are looking forward to more this year than ever before.

Stay safe and keep Scouting!

Justin K. Williams
Scout Executive/CEO