Palmetto Council Virtual Scouting Challenge

Dear Palmetto Council Leader,


It is finally that time of the year when we recruit and welcome new members into our Scouting family. The pandemic has forced us to get creative this year since traditional classroom visits and in-person recruitments are not possible. Whether you are the leader of a pack or troop, Cub Scouts are the future and we are all invested in the success of recruitment season.

We are asking you – our core Leaders – to help raise awareness of Scouting and our virtual Cub Scout recruitment meetings by helping to engage your current families through social media. We are launching a virtual Scouting challenge and we are asking you to lead the challenge by asking your families to post their Scouting story on social media. The post should share your personal/family Scouting story, invite others to join our Scouting family, use the link and hashtags below and challenge five others to do the same!

To do this, we are asking that you share images and captions that answer:What does Scouting mean to me? At the end of your post add the hashtags and link to our virtual recruitment below.

As a thank you for helping spread the word, we will be recognizing the top unit. Each post you share by August 3rd with our recruitment hashtag, #LoveWhereYouScout, your unit hastag, #UnitType#, and recruitment link is a new entry. The unit with the highest family participation will receive a $100 gift card for the Palmetto Scout Shop.

Additionally, consider adding our recruitment frame to your Facebook profile picture, asking your families to do the same, and directly inviting your friends to one of our Facebook events.

Please add the hashtag and link below to each of your posts and be entered to win!

Here is the template: What does Scouting mean to me? (Insert your story HERE). Invest in your youth – join Cub Scouts! #LoveWhereYouScout #UnitType# - Register to join Scouting:
I was nominated by: (Insert Name)
I challenge (Name 1), (Name 2), (Name 3), (Name 4) & (Name 5) to share their Scouting story! Be sure to copy the hashtags and registration info!
