Unlocking the Adventure: Why Every Scout Should Experience Summer Camp

Imagine a week of non-stop thrills: biking through lush forests, diving into the refreshing waters of the lake, scaling towering rock faces, paddling through winding streams, and soaring through the treetops on a zipline. Lucky for us Scouts, we don’t just have to dream about it.

It's the time of year we eagerly anticipate, looking forward to Summer camp. However, as an SPL, I have noticed in the past, not every Scout feels fully ready for the adventure ahead. Nevertheless, they have nothing to be afraid of. Everybody can enjoy a certain aspect of Summer camp. The activities and experiences are a whole different ball game compared to regular campouts. It's a week jam-packed with unforgettable experiences.

Spending a week with your troop might not sound like the most thrilling thing, but it's a chance to build bonds like no other. Especially for those who've just joined, Summer camp is where friendships are forged. During my time at Summer camps, I found myself growing closer to my troop mates and leaders.

And for those who are more focused on rank advancement, Summer camp is a great place to start. Many offer first-year Scout programs, which are great for getting a head start. Moreover, it can lead to a great foundation of skills. Going to Summer camp can also knock out a chunk of your required 20 nights for the camping merit badge!

In addition, depending on the camp, you could meet troops from other states. One Summer I remember fondly, my troop met others from Virginia, Pennsylvania, and even as far as Ohio! Summer camp isn't just about sticking with your own troop; it's about broadening your horizons and making connections with Scouts from everywhere.

The real magic of Summer is its ability to be common ground for personal growth and leadership skills. There, I discovered my passion for being a part of the camp staff—a journey that's shaped my Scouting experience in amazing ways. Since then, I’ve staffed the past two summers at a camp.

Beyond the great experiences, Summer camp also teaches us a lesson in self-sustenance, cleanliness, and personal management. Summer camp is your own adventure! Make sure you have fun and stay safe. 

So, to all my fellow Scouts, don't miss out on Summer camp. It's not just a week of fun—it's an experience that'll stick with you for life. It will keep you coming back for more. 

- Navneeth Nalajala

Eagle Scout, Troop 130
