85th Anniversary Patches

Join the Palmetto Council as we celebrate our 85th Anniversary!  We will be offering commemorative council shoulder patches (CSPs) for purchase.  Both patches will are pre-order only.  The first patch is a trader CSP with the ghosted background ($5)The second is a limited edition with only 85 patches being produced ($19.35).  The sale will be limited to 5 patches per person.  The patches will be available for pick-up at the May Roundtable, Council Service Center (post 5/14) or they can be shipped.  All proceeds benefit local Scouting.  Thank you for helping us celebrate 85 years of Scouting in the Upstate!

York Distinguished Citizen Postponed

For the safety of all, Palmetto Council has made the difficult decision to postpone our York Distinguished Citizen Dinner scheduled for March 31.  We are currently exploring multiple options, all with the goal of providing meaningful recognition for our great honorees and sponsors while at the same time supporting the many scouting programs of York County.  We hope to be able to share an update with you soon.  If you would like to make a gift to support Palmetto Council and Scouting, please click HERE!

COVID-19 Update

Dear Palmetto Council Scouting Family,

The health and well-being of our Scouts, volunteer leaders, families, and staff continues to remain our number-one priority. As COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to have unprecedented impact on our Nation and community we will strive to maintain regular communication with you to address concerns within our Scouting community.

Today, South Carolina Gov. Henry McMasters announced a state-wide closure of public schools through at least March 31 and a recommendation against large social gatherings. As we often follow the lead of our public schools in determining event postponement/cancellation, Palmetto Council will be suspending all in-person meetings between Monday, March 16 and Monday, April 13. This includes all unit meetings. This time frame may be extended depending on guidance from local, state, and national health organizations.

At this time all of the activities listed below should be considered postponed. Each event committee will determine over the next few days if an event can be rescheduled and will communicate those changes.

Council Activities Postponed:
NYLT (both weekends 1 & 2; Mar. 20-22 & Apr. 3-5)
TOTAL training (May 2-3; due to the inability to hold staff development weekends)

District Activities Postponed:
Daniel Morgan Scout Show (Mar. 20-22)
Daniel Morgan Pinewood Derby (Mar. 21)
York Pinewood Derby (Mar. 21)
York Spring Camporee & ASM/SM Training (Mar. 27-29)

All other Council/District Meetings/Activities:
All in-person meetings and activities scheduled through April 13 will be postponed effective Monday, March 16. Group meetings that can be conducted by telephone or other digital means are encouraged. If you have questions about specific meetings or activities, please contact your District Executive or the Council office.

Unit Meetings:
For the safety of all, units are to immediately discontinue their in-person meetings, activities, and camps. This suspension will remain in effect until South Carolina reopens schools and permits extracurricular activities. Units are encouraged to consider using skype, zoom, or other communication platforms to conduct patrol meetings or merit badge classes. Many online meeting tools are offering improved free trials during this time.

Council Office:
At this time the Palmetto Council office will continue to operate during normal business hours. However, for the safety of our staff our lobby will be closed to visitors from Monday, March 16 until at least Wednesday, April 1. If you need to make a Scout Store purchase or conduct other business at our office, please contact 864-585-4391 for arrangements.

Activity Refund Policy for Cancellations and/or Postponements Due to COVID-19:
• If an activity is officially canceled, you should expect a refund within the next 2-3 weeks.
• If an activity is rescheduled, your registration will automatically be transferred to the new date.
• If you cannot make the rescheduled date and/or would like a refund, please contact Morgan Hawkins (Morgan.Hawkins@Scouting.org; 864-585-4391) and we will honor your refund request.

We appreciate your cooperation and all you do for Scouting. Thank you for joining Scouting and the rest of our community in helping to address and mitigate this public health crisis.


Justin K. Williams
Scout Executive/CEO
Palmetto Council

Palmetto Council Covid-19 Response

Dear Scouting Family,

As always, your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, and employees is our top priority. We know there are questions and concerns about how COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, could affect local Scouting programs in Palmetto Council. Please know that we are monitoring developments regarding COVID-19 both locally and through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The following information regarding events and prevention measures is based on the latest available guidance. As this is an evolving situation, this information is subject to change. We will continue to update you on relevant developments, and we appreciate your understanding of any necessary adjustments in the interest of health and safety.

Status of Council Events
Currently, no council or district events or activities have been cancelled due to COVID-19. However, the Palmetto Council will be amending its Events and Activities Refund Policy to refund 100% of fees as long as a registration is canceled before the start of the event effective immediately and lasting until at least April 15. You can find our full Events and Activities Refund Policy here: https://scoutingevent.com/attachment/BSA549/document_15725360810_8954.pdf

You may monitor event updates here: www.palmettocouncil.org

Decisions about unit meetings and activities should be made by unit leadership and chartering organizations based on the unit’s individual circumstances and current CDC and local health department guidelines

BSA Polices to Prevent the Spread of Illness
The Boy Scouts of America continues to have policies and procedures in place that help protect participants from contracting an illness at large Scouting events. These include the Annual Health and Medical Record and the Pre-Event Medical Screening Checklist.

Everyday Preventive Measures
Even with those important policies in place, it is critical that we all take these everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases:

  • Stay home when you feel sick.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and wash your hands before and after doing so.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve/elbow, not your hands.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

  • Do not share personal items such as cups, water bottles, eating utensils, etc.

  • Avoid shaking hands.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

If you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms associated with COVID-19, or if you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, you should isolate and not attend any Scouting events. People who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider immediately.

Should you have any questions or concerns about a specific upcoming event or activity, please reach out to your local district executive or call the Palmetto Council office at 864.585.4391. We will do everything we can to answer your question using the information available to us.

Yours in Scouting,

Justin K. Williams | Scout Executive/CEO

Glenn Stoner selected as Silver Antelope Recipient

The Regional Awards and Recognition Committee, acting through the National Court of Honor, is pleased to announce the 2020 class of recipients of the highest award the Southern Region, BSA can bestow on an adult volunteer, the Silver Antelope Award.


Created in 1942, the Silver Antelope Award is awarded to those persons who give extraordinary leadership in distinguished service to youth. This award recognizes registered Scouters for their noteworthy service of exceptional character provided within the region’s territory.

Our very own Glenn Stoner was one the recipients selected for this prestigious award! The Palmetto Council and Southern Region has been extremely blessed by his leadership! Congratulations, Glenn!

BSA Registration Fee Increase

For more than 100 years, Scouting has helped build future leaders by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun and adventure in the outdoors. At the Boy Scouts of America, we are dedicated to developing leaders of character by preparing young men and women for life by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. The timeless ideals of the Scout Law, such as being trustworthy, helpful, kind and brave, make up the foundation young people need to address and overcome challenges in their lives and the issues facing their generation.

Here in Palmetto Council, Scouting serves more than 5,000 youth in 6 counties. Now as we continue the Scouting mission, it is important that we keep pace with an ever-changing world. While costs to the organization have increased every year, the Boy Scouts of America has worked to keep the annual membership fee as low as possible by subsidizing core costs, including liability insurance we must carry to cover all official Scouting activities. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to subsidize at the level we have in the past, especially as the cost of insurance has increased dramatically. We kept the cost low to make Scouting available to as many young people as possible but keeping the cost artificially low for many years now magnifies the impact of changes.

To ensure we have the resources to fulfill the promise of Scouting despite increasing operating costs, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America has made the difficult but necessary decision to increase the annual membership fee effective January 1, 2020 to:

- $60 for youth members in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts,

- $36 for adult members

- $60 for unit charter fees

Every dollar of the national membership fee will go toward the cost of essential services, including liability insurance for those participating in approved Scouting activities, program resources, safety standards, youth protection and personal safety training, and services to councils nationwide to sustain Scouting. The National organization will also continue to develop and improve resources that support our volunteers and youth members such as online registration, Member Care and Scoutbook, which now includes the Den Leader experience to ensure the safe and consistent delivery of Cub Scouting; as well as improvements aimed at simplifying the annual renewal process. In Palmetto Council, we will continue to bring Scouting to our communities and family through providing quality programs and services.

Across the country and in our own community, we know that Scouting remains one of the most valuable investments we can make to support young men and women today so they can become the leaders we will turn to tomorrow. From once-in-a-lifetime adventures to merit badges that spark interests and future careers; from campouts under the stars to service projects that leave a lasting impact on our communities; Scouting’s year-round program expands horizons and provides young people with a safe and welcoming place to learn, grow, and thrive.

That is why we are committed to ensuring that all youth can experience the character-building benefits of Scouting regardless of their financial situation. In addition to our existing council and unit membership assistance, we have established a national Growing Future Leaders Fund, which is funded entirely through donations, to provide additional financial support to those who need it.

Thank you for your continued role in empowering a generation of future leaders of character through Scouting programs.


Q: Why are the fees increasing now?
A: While costs increase every year, the Boy Scouts of America has worked to keep the annual membership fee as low as possible to make Scouting available to as many young people as possible by subsidizing core costs, including liability insurance we must carry to cover all official Scouting activities. As the organization’s financial situation has shifted over the past several months, it is no longer possible to subsidize at the level we have in the past, especially as the cost of insurance has increased dramatically.

Q: Does this apply to youth members and volunteers?
A: Yes, the new fees apply for youth and adult members. Effective January 1, 2020, the new fees are:

- $60 for youth members in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts

- $36 for adult members (includes cost of background check and Scouting Magazine)

- $60 for unit charter fees

Q: Is Scouting still a good value?
A: Absolutely! While most extracurricular activities are seasonal, Scouting is a year-round program that remains one of the most valuable investments we can make to support young men and women today so they can become the leaders we will turn to tomorrow. For most of our youth members, the new registration fee amounts to $5 a month, which is an enormous value when you consider that many seasonal extracurricular activities often start at $100 for programs that last a few weeks.

Q: What will the money be used for?
A: Every dollar of membership fees will go to cover the cost of essential services, including liability insurance for members participating in approved Scouting activities, background checks for adult leaders, program development and training resources, continuously updated youth protection and youth safety training, improved IT/digital experiences and services to our councils nationwide.

Q: Is this increase being implemented to cover the cost of the additional background checks?
A: No, the cost of background checks is not the prompting the fee increase.

Q: Why is this being announced now?
A: We recognize the timing of this fee increase creates challenges as units have already begun collecting fees for their 2020 registration renewal process, and we would not make this difficult decision if it were not absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, the cost of liability insurance we must carry to cover all Scouting activities has increased dramatically over the past several months, and the organization is no longer able to offset the cost of insurance. We are committed to supporting you through this process and are making necessary adjustments to the online rechartering system to ensure units can carry out the recharter process.

Q: Does this increase cover financial challenges the organization is facing?
A: The increase was prompted because the cost of liability insurance we must carry to cover all Scouting activities has increased dramatically over the past several months, and the organization is no longer able to offset the cost of insurance. The national membership fee also enables us program development and training resources, continuously updated youth protection and youth safety training, improved IT/digital experiences and services to our councils nationwide.

Q: When will this increase take effect?
A: The new membership fees will take effect starting January 1, 2020 for the 2020-21 program year.

Q: Is financial assistance available?

A: We are committed to ensuring that all youth can experience the character-building benefits of Scouting regardless of their financial situation. In addition to the many existing council and unit membership assistance funds, we have established the donor-funded Growing Future Leaders Fund to provide financial support to those who need it.

Q: My council recently announced a new fee to cover insurance. Does this change mean that fee is no longer necessary?
A: No, the liability insurance that we need to carry for all Scouting activities at the national level is different from local fees that are collected to address local needs, which can include such as local property and accident insurance, as well as unique local programming costs. The Palmetto Council will continue to charge the $12 per year insurance fee as previously announced. This means every Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout youth member will pay $72 and every registered adult leader will pay $48 at recharter time.

Q: What measures has the national organization taken to offset the financial challenges?
A: In addition to ongoing efforts to streamline and simplify the organization, the national organization has taken a number of steps in addressing its financial challenges, including the recent elimination of more than 35 positions at the National Service Center and ongoing consolidation of departments for the most effective utilization of resources in support of Scouting.

Q: Will the national membership fee continue to increase?
A: Although no decision about future increases have been made, the cost of operating our organization and services increases every year. Should it be necessary to increase fees in the future, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America has agreed to evaluate the needs and make such decisions, whenever possible, at the National Annual Meeting in May or early in the summer so that they can be announced with as much lead time as possible to allow for councils and units to be able to plan accordingly.

Q: Will I be charged the new fee for multiple registrations or positions?
A: No. You will only be charged the membership fee for your primary

Justin Williams Selected as next Palmetto Council Scout Executive

Justin Williams.jpg

The Palmetto Council Board of Directors is pleased to announce Justin Williams as our new Scout Executive/CEO. Justin comes to us from Great Lakes Council where he most recently served as the Director of Field Service. He has 17 years of experience as a professional Scouter. Justin will begin his duties with the Palmetto Council on October 1, 2019. Please join us in welcoming Justin and his family to our Palmetto Council Scouting family!

More about Justin:

Justin Williams began his Scouting career as District Executive at North Florida Council in Jacksonville, FL. He moved on to become a Senior District Executive and later Development Director with Northern Star Council, St. Paul, MN. He was promoted to Field Director with the Bay-Lakes Council, Appleton, WI and on to Director of Field Service of Great Lakes Field Service Council, Detroit, MI. He joined the Palmetto Council as Scout Executive in October 2019.

A native of Western North Carolina, Justin earned his Eagle Scout award in Troop 182 in Morganton, North Carolina and served on summer camp staff as a youth for seven years in North Carolina and Vermont. He has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a Master’s degree from Florida State University.

Justin enjoys traveling, history, and cheering for the North Carolina Tar Heels. In May 2018, he and his wife, Holly, became the proud parents of a daughter, Faye.

The Adventure Continues, A Message to LDS Scouts and Scouters from Matthew Cline


When I think of Scouting, I think of my trip to the Northern Tier Canoe Base when I was a Varsity Scout. We canoed and backpacked through the wilderness of Canada with no sign of civilization except for an occasional plane flying overhead. We were truly on our own. We prepared for this trip over many months. It was difficult. It pushed me to my limits, physically and mentally. We even had the weather working against us. But it was one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences I have had. Bald eagles flying overhead, swimming in a waterfall, sacrament meeting at our campsite, the building of teamwork needed to get through this challenging trip, and the sense of accomplishment when we returned home. We saw and experienced things we never would have if we had stayed in the comfort of our homes. It was an adventure; one of many I have had in Scouting.

As scouting in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints comes to a close at the end of this year, what will your next adventure be? Some will choose to continue their adventure, some will not. For Scouts that continue, new friends and familiar faces await you. Pinewood derbies, summer camp, backpacking, scuba diving, campfires, welding, building robots, competitions, patches, leadership positions, the Order of the Arrow, and many other opportunities await those that choose to seek the adventure of scouting. Looking for a greater challenge? Venturing crews seek the ultimate outdoor adventure. Love to sail? We have a Sea Scout ship for you.

My experiences in Scouting have strengthened my testimony of how much we have in common with other faiths in our desire to do our duty to God. I find that I grow spiritually from the examples and spiritual messages from people of other faiths at scouting activities. To me, the principles found in the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan reinforce the gospel principles I learn at church and at home, and vice versa. The last and most important point of the Scout Law is that a Scout is reverent. A scout’s most important duty is to God.

If you choose Scouting, new friends will be waiting for you to help you on your new journey. You will have guides along the trail to help you choose your adventure. We look forward to seeing you on the trail.

The Palmetto Council is ready to help you continue your journey. Please contact us our membership coordinator, Mr. Taylor Thomas, at Taylor.Thomas@scouting.org to learn more about continuing your adventure! To also assist in the transition, we have created a Facebook page to relay information (Palmetto Council Latter-day Saint Scouting). Please like our page.

With Warm Regard,

Matthew Cline
LDS Transition Chair

“…Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.” (Robert Frost)